Shake ‘n’ Bake | School Holiday Group Recap January 2023!
Shake ‘n’ Bake
16th to 20th January 2023
We did a whole lot of shaking and baking this week. A focus of this group is the sharing, planning and negotiation each role to cook or bake a meal according to a chosen setting.
Our kiddos decided to share the roles each day to ensure everyone had a go at cooking, setting up and the dreaded clean up. Some of the favourite foods were choc chip cookies, fairy bread, milkshakes and pizza! What made the cooking so much fun and efficient was the relationships made between each other and their communication abilities to include everyone’s ideas.
Our shake time was filled with dancing to some classic song requests such as the Nutbush, the chicken dance and the cha cha slide. To end each day, we played a card game called ‘Kids Against Humanity’ where we all got to share funny responses and choose our favourite one.
We had smiles all round and cannot wait to do it again soon.
We are always building and growing our groups; any recommendations or ideas to continue to support our children are welcome.
If you would like more information, please give us a call on 0477 708 217 or email