PALS Club | School Holiday Group Recap January 2022!

The school holidays PAL’s Club group program was such an amazing time! . We ran 2 group programs this year, one from the 10th to 14th of January and the 17th to 21st of January. This holidays, the kids loved having a daily challenge which focused on strengthening their social and conversational skills, including talking tennis, pom pom shooters and chatterboxes.

During some of these challenges, participants learnt and practiced how to initiate interactions, turn take in conversation, share ideas, be flexible and adaptable, negotiate with peers, and work together as a team. Team building exercises including the cup hands and human knot were awesome, but the biggest highlight was the water fight on our final day!

It was wonderful to watch each and every child have fun, and grow lifelong skills and build great friendships along the way.

By Georgia

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