New Year and Positive Planning!
Welcome to the new year!
As we step forward into 2021, it’s important to reflect on what 2020 has taught us. Despite all the upheaval, unknown and changes, there have been positive elements to take away from the year that was. 2020 gave us time, space to reevaluate our priorities, a reconnection to those most important to us and a chance to appreciate and enjoy more time in nature - all things that were perhaps somewhat neglected as we sped through the busy nature of modern day life.
In 2020 we consistently saw people move away from traditional work models, into working from home, allowing for more quality time with those we love most. This change supported a reconnection to what’s most important - the reason why we work; to provide a life for ourselves and our loved ones. This change increased joy and placed an emphasis on community connections. Additionally, the use of less transport and office space brought about positive impacts on the environment, from our forest, lakes and beaches, to improved air quality in our major cities.
With all the changes that were brought about in 2020, I believe that the greatest lesson we have learnt as a society is to have a greater awareness.
Awareness of ourselves, others and the world around us.
As I make my list of goals for 2021, it is this valuable lesson that will dictate how I want to navigate the year ahead. Having a greater awareness with an emphasis on positive planning.
Truthfully, this will be yet another year of change and vastly unknown circumstances, as we continue to move through the pandemic. Yet we have been here before. Generations before us have made their way through pandemics and will again in the future. This thought alone gives me hope, that yes, despite all the challenges, we too will forge ahead towards the lifestyle we remembered pre-pandemic. But I also have hope that we will be able live with a greater sense of what’s most important.
Something that plays an important role in my life and where a distinct passion lies for me, is in mental health. My own mental health, others around me and the support of communities as a whole. After the year that was 2020, it has never been more vital to ensure that we are taking care of ourselves and one another.
For the Explore and Soar team, looking after ourselves and each other is our number one priority. As a team leader I’m consciously building a support network around us, in order to manage the pressure and stresses of everyday life.
At Explore and Soar our core focus is emotional regulation. We are consistently supporting our clients and their families through strategies that allow for optimal emotional regulation, expression and self-awareness, positive self-esteem and confidence. So as we move into 2021, we are making a commitment to ourselves, our clients and their families, that together, we will build one another up, provide strategies and create support networks in our communities. In doing so, we can promote positive changes for generations to come.
For me personally, I have been reflecting on not only my own mental health, but of those around me. There is unfortunately a stigma still attached to mental health. I often hide behind my bubbly personality to risk being vulnerable or judged. This year I am making a conscious effort to be open, in order to encourage that same behaviour from those in our community. If we can stand together, be open and provide the best support we possibly can, then maybe, just maybe, we can make a substantial difference.
So where do we start? Well, it all starts with you!
Your health is your number one priority. If you can’t look after yourself, then you will be unable to help others. So start looking after yourself. Then your family and friends.
Being supportive and having a good support network around you is one of the most influential and important things in your life.
To help you get started on your personal journey, here are some go to strategies that I start with each year.
Default Diary and Positive Planning!
A default diary has always been the way in which I plan out my weekly routine for work. However, my biggest asset this year has been adding a section on goals for personal health; establishing a healthy morning routine, taking time out for mindfulness and my weekly exercise plan.
I now ensure that I schedule in time for myself, to do the things I enjoy such as bush walking, spending time with family and friends and spending one weekend a month away somewhere new. For some of you this will mean, planning the weekly schedule with your family, ensuring all the family’s events, interests and non-negotiables are accounted for.
As both my work and health goals now work alongside one another, it’s important to envelop the two on a day to day basis. I establish small goals in my busy work day in order to ensure a seamless integration between the two. These can be as simple as a two minute break from my desk to stretch, sit and notice my breath in order to regulate or re-centre myself for the next part of my day. These little moments of mindfulness regularly implemented into my work day, continue to support my health and well-being. They also make me more present and consistent at work!
Create a vision board for 2021!
At the beginning of the year I like to create a vision board with images, messages and hand written notes that promote positive thoughts and serve as a physical reminder of goals. I encourage you to do the same! Get creative, set some time aside and visualise all that you are wanting for the year 2021; your family goals, how you want to live your life, where you want to live your life and who with.
Weekly check In’s!
It’s always great to set up a buddy system with your loved ones. It’s fine to keep on top of your own goals, but sharing your goals with someone else keeps you accountable! This system also promotes open communication. Personally, for me this is vital. Regular check in’s, help me to identify, notice and lean in to asking for help when needed.
So, let’s make 2021 a year of positivity!
A year for you and your health! A year where we also look after our families and communities. At Explore and Soar we will be making a consistent effort to open up, speaking out and break down the stigma attached to mental health. We will work to increase awareness and support our clients and their families in order to advocate for their needs, their well being and most importantly to live their lives expressing their true self.
I am truly looking forward to the year ahead, cannot wait to share it with you!
Until next time,