End of Year Notes and 2021 School Holiday Groups!

To my Explore and Soar community…

We made it! It’s the last month of 2020 and the year is slowly drawing to a close. There have been many events, thoughts and feelings that have come about over the last year, and collectively we are all moving forward becoming stronger, wiser and more flexible than we ever thought imaginable. Despite the hardship and challenges that we all experienced, it has taught us that we can adapt to changing circumstances and that we need to always focus on what’s most important; family and community. 

In November, the Explore and Soar team celebrated Christmas with our annual end of year party at DullBoy’s Social Co. We got to channel our inner child, play, be silly, and challenge each other for an evening. We played tenpin bowling, putt putt golf, and maybe even had a go on the dodgem cars! It was important to me that we not only experience some fun time together as a team but that we also celebrated this year's achievements. 

This year we have been able to expand our outreach and work in ways we never thought possible. We moved quickly into telehealth services to accommodate isolation and we offered as much support to all our families as we possibly could, in challenging circumstances. We also expanded and continue to grow our team! We welcomed some beautiful new faces that compliment our existing staff so well and continue to provide the best service to our families!

As the year begins to wind down, I can see everyone around me becoming fatigued and in need of not only a break but a fresh start with 2021. As we move into the final days of the year, I challenge you to reframe the year that was and consciously extract the positive lessons and experiences that have come from 2020. This may look different for everyone but remember that in amongst all the chaos there have been some true treasures and golden moments in their too. 

Personally, I was forced to reevaluate what’s most important to me. To slow down and to consciously spend more time on my well being and with those I love. I will move into 2021 with these as my core focus, in order to be better, not only for the Explore and Soar team and our families but for myself and for everyone around me.

So here’s my personal little challenge for you to end the year on a positive note! For each day that remains, write down one positive thing or moment from the year that was. At the end of this year and as you move into 2021, you will have these points of gratitude at the forefront of your mind! Making 2021 begin on a positive note! Start today!! 

Holiday closures:

Just a reminder that we are taking a well earned 3 week break over theChristmas/New Year period. Our last treating day will be Friday the 18th December 2020 and we will return on Monday 11th January 2021. Please feel free to start having discussions with your treating clinicians around appointments for next year, whether that be intensives or groups in January, or ongoing appointments in Term 1, 2021. The sooner we have these discussions, the sooner we can book you in, and we have confirmation for your start dates in the new year. 

School holiday groups, January 2021:

If you haven’t already, don’t forget to take a look at our school holiday groups that we have available in January 2021. We have 3 different groups to meet your child’s social goals, age bracket and level of support. Please refer to this link for all information (click ‘Groups’ to expand the information and click on the group title to read our PDF guides), contact your treating clinician or email the team here and where we can provide further information and book your child in. Spots have been filling up very quickly, so please get in touch as soon as possible if you are interested! 

Additionally, just to put your mind at ease, we are following all COVID recommendations, sanitization stations are provided and regulations are strongly adhered to, to ensure the safety of your family and community during these times. 

With thanks… 

From our team to your family, we are sending lots of love and appreciation your way. Thank you for being a part of our 2020! Enjoy the break, rest and spend time with those you love most. Don’t forget to reach out to your neighbours and the community to share the love with others as well. There is always someone less fortunate than us that may need a helping hand or just a smile to brighten their day! Share the Christmas cheer!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New year. We look forward to seeing you all in 2021 for a positive and big year ahead!


Until next time,


Explore And Soar