Self-awareness & Growth in 2022
Happy New Year! In January each year I take the time to think, reflect and process the year that was, in order to create a clear vision for the year to come.
Last year at Explore and Soar we focused on mental health and wellbeing, whilst also supporting and consolidating the foundations of the practices we have in place to allow for further growth within the company. Expanding on this, we are setting our 2022 intention and focusing on self-Awareness & growth.
There are so many meanings, intentions and definitions of what self-awareness is. For us it encompasses everything that is inherently you, our clients and families!
Self-awareness is understanding where our boundaries lie, ensuring a work/life balance to maintain our mental health and well being, and becoming aware of our reaction to the world around us.
After the year that we have had, gaining a further understanding of what makes us unique as individuals, expressing that individuality and then bringing these unique approaches into our sessions, we are able to joyously achieve goals and express who we are.
By doing so we bring awareness to our strengths and we are able to harness them further, bringing awareness to where we would most like to improve, set clear goals and work towards them whilst asking for help when needed.
Becoming more self-aware allows you to express who you truly are. By gaining a greater sense of awareness, you can live more intentionally. What many people don’t realise is that this is the foundational skill needed for all emotional and social development within children. It allows us to develop a greater parent/child connection - which we work so closely with, through our parents and caregivers.
2022 I believe it is all about improving connection, as everyone is becoming more aware of the power of presence and intention through communication and in relationships. Remaining self-aware is the forefront of how we communicate and connect as a team at Explore and Soar, but it’s also how we connect and build relationships with everyone in our Explore and Soar family and communities.
This year I would like to know how we can support your self-awareness and growth within our sessions. We’ll be asking for more feedback and trying to connect in a greater way with our families, in order to support their growth in 2022.
This, in conjunction with our own self-awareness and stepping into more of our own individual purpose and intentions will foster growth for the team at Explore and Soar
Growth isn’t linear. It involves many side steps and ups and downs. It is a huge part of who we are, as we are constantly changing, adapting and improving ourselves to show up to every situation or event that occurs. We show growth through our improvements in a skill, through hindsight, participating in something new, reflection or just continuing to put one step in front of another, whilst remaining consistent and positive.
For Explore and Soar, it will be a big year of growth, finding new and creative ways to support our clients in achieving their goals, meeting the ever-growing demands of clients and families seeking services and expanding our Explore and Soar team; moving into new locations and regions in our rural towns.
This growth is important for us, in continuing to share our vision, values and goals to bridge the gap between service offerings with our rural and remote communities. The importance of educating and empowering our families to seek and engage with high quality services is at the forefront, even more so following the last 2 years of upheaval. Growth and continuing to share all our knowledge and skills with you remains vital.
I am so excited to be leading such an amazing team into 2022. To share in the adventures of self-awareness and growth, for ourselves individually, as a team, but also with our clients, families and communities. There will be so much more creativity involved in the way we deliver our services and we cannot wait to share all the ideas we have with you. In saying this we are also looking forward to hearing all of your ideas, goals, thoughts and services that you are requesting as we move into this next stage of growth!
So keep an eye out, each monthly blog this year will share with you something related to self-awareness and growth, different ways of thinking, intervention strategies and as always constant support along the way! We appreciate your love and commitment to our community and cannot wait to start the year strong!
Until next time,