Christmas & end of year celebrations

Today I wanted to reflect and share some reminders about what the season can bring. But firstly, I would like to make mention of the recent fires and how our communities have been impacted. I’m incredibly thankful to be a part of schools, towns and communities that have responded and banded together to support our firefighters and each other during such a hard time. It was absolutely remarkable to watch and it filled my heart with so much love. It’s so important to unite together in times of need and that is exactly what I have witnessed. Please continue to support and stay connected within your local community, it is just as important now as it has been in recent weeks, especially heading into the holiday season.

And now, onto the last blog of the year!
So, it’s that time of year again! We are now in December and all the excitement and anticipation of Christmas is finally upon us!

Over the last couple of weeks the enthusiasm has continued to build for Christmas preparation with my staff, families and schools. It’s not hard to be reminded of the impending festivities as lights start to appear in neighborhoods, decorations pop up in shopping centres and festive plans become a consistent talking point amongst friends.

Some people enjoy the Christmas spirit for the whole month of December, wearing an array of Christmas shirts, earrings, decorating their homes and watching their favourite Christmas movies with those they love. Events get booked right up until the very last day of work, with family and friends getting together to share the festive spirit.

I personally love that Christmas is a time for celebration, joy and spending precious moments with people who mean the most to me. It’s important to remember however, that although Christmas can be an enjoyable time for many, it can also be a lonely, isolating time for others. That’s why I thought it was important to give some tips and reminders that offer some support for the month ahead. For the excited and the not so excited about this time of year, here are my tips:

  • PLAN, PLAN, PLAN: write down, organize and timeline your to do list, events, gatherings, Christmas shopping and cooking. Having a plan and ‘To Do List’ will help with stress during the busy period.

  • Ask For Help: Don’t be afraid to ask for help, especially if you don’t think you can get it all done alone. Helping to lighten the load will support not only yourself but the rest of your family too. Resource out if you need to, if it’s more time efficient and effective to pay someone to mow the backyard in preparation for that gathering, then do it! It will free up additional time to get other important things completed. Also don’t forget to ask for help if Christmas is a tough time for you. Christmas can be isolating and lonely for many. There are many great support services out there and you can also reach out to friends or get involved with organisations that aim to give back.

  • Buying presents for children: choosing presents and working out what to get can sometimes be challenging. Spend some quality time with the children in your life, going through catalogues, or if achievable, take them to the toy store and see what they are drawn too. This might help Santa deliver just what their heart desires.

  • For families who are traveling: be safe on the roads, take your time and make sure you stop every couple of hours. Getting there safely is more important than getting there on time.

  • Place an emphasis on quality time rather than getting the perfect gifts or rushing to and from events. It’s the sharing of quality time with people you love that matters the most and it is much more important than having the most expensive and perfect presents. Smaller and more thoughtful gifts are much more meaningful and loved just as much if not more than the expensive ones. Place an emphasis on being thankful for sharing this time with those you love rather than stressing about exchanging gifts.

Whilst Christmas can be about family gatherings and celebrations for some, it can also be a time where people enjoy giving back to others.

The way in which we choose to give back may look different for each individual or family. If you do have some time and you’re looking for ways to give back, below are some great examples of how you could get involved:

  • Pay it forward. A simple gesture like paying for a coffee for the person behind you in the line at your local cafe, goes a long way at this time of year.

  • Reach out to someone that you know may be struggling and ask if you can lend a helping hand. Whether that’s providing emotional support, helping with gifts or just being there to make that person who may be away from friends or family feel less alone - reach out.

  • The Wishing Tree Appeal: each year there are Christmas trees in shopping centres where you can buy a present and leave it under a tree. It helps deliver presents to families who can’t afford to purchase gifts for one another.

  • Volunteer: there are many places in the Hunter Valley and Newcastle where you can volunteer your time to wrap presents, participate in toy & book drives, serve Christmas lunches and much more.

  • Oz Harvest: You can donate a food hamper full of non-perishable items to this wonderful organisation. Lots of people aren’t fortunate enough to have a big, beautiful Christmas lunch and by donating non perishable items, you may just make someone’s Christmas a lot brighter!

Everyone spends their Holiday season differently! As for me, I will be truly grateful for some rest, some celebrations and spending some good quality time with family. I enjoy giving back also. I always make a point of giving back to children who don’t get to share Christmas with those they love or who may not receive any presents.

I’d like to wish all our families a fun, safe and magical time this Christmas. I look forward to hearing about how you have all spent your Christmas and the Holiday Season in the new year. See you in 2020!

Love Jess.

Explore And Soar